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Admission Procedure

Admission Criteria

All children whose parents enroll* are welcome at our school providing the following criteria are met:

  • The parents have made a conscious choice for the education which a Waldorf School stands for (see our basic principles on education and The overview of the Waldorf Curriculum) and confirm this choice explicitly on the application form, and;
  • The child has a nationality other than Danish and at least one of the parents works in Denmark for a certain period of time (this period is not set but should be convincingly demonstrated) or;
  • The child has Danish nationality and was educated abroad for a period of at least two years because at least one of the parents worked abroad for a certain period of time, or;
  • The child has Danish nationality and at least one of the parents will be working abroad in the foreseeable future for at least two years, as confirmed in writing by an employer’s statement. The child will live abroad with this parent.

*By parents, we understand parents, guardians, or caregivers.


Enrollment for School Start in August

If you wish to enroll your child please fill out the application form above and send it together with a report from the previous school or nursery to

Please refer to our Fee Policy and structure page for more information about school fees.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:


Entry Age

Schooling in Denmark begins in kindergarten class.  Children entering Kindergarten Class must turn 6 years by the 31st of December of the year they are to start.

Class Age of the child
Kindergarten class The year the child reaches the age of six
Class 1 The year the child reaches the age of seven
Class 2 The year the child reaches the age of eight
Class 3 The year the child reaches the age of eight
Class 4 The year the child reaches the age of nine
Class 5 The year the child reaches the age of ten
Class 6 The year the child reaches the age of eleven
Class 7 The year the child reaches the age of twelve
Class 8 The year the child reaches the age of thirteen
Class 9 The year the child reaches the age of fourteen


If your child is below the age of six please take a look at the site for our kindergarten Lærkelunden.


School Equivalents

Please review the School Equivalents chart to see which class your child should attend.


Current Classes

As a new and growing school, we add at least one year group every year so our oldest students never phase out of the school.

For the 2023-24 classes only classes 0. to 6 are available.


Language requirements

WISC accepts children of all nationalities from the age of 6.
Since the lessons will be taught mainly in English, it is an advantage but not a requirement that one of the child’s main languages is English.
We advise that one of the parents is Danish-speaking, but it is not a requirement.


Automatic enrollment in the Support Association

You automatically become a member of the WISC’s support association. It costs 250,- DKK a year to be a member, and the enrollment is registered when the amount is paid. You will receive an invoice by email.