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Inspection Reports

Inspection and statutory assessment of the school’s teaching and academic performance

Each year, parents of students at an independent school elect an inspector to conduct an evaluation of the quality of the education provided by the school.
The inspector assesses if the quality of the curriculum and the student’s academic levels are at level with the municipal primary and lower secondary school.

The inspector is impartial and cannot adapt the parents association’s view on the matter

The inspector elected by the parents association has to be certified by the government’s Agency for Education and Quality in order to be licensed to do the inspection. At last year’s general assembly of the International Waldorf School Copenhagen, parents elected Annelise Dahlbæk as their inspector.

Annelise Dahlbæk is licensed to conduct these inspections at independent schools with both Danish and English as instruction languages and can do the inspection of the Danish as well as the international department. To read more about Annelise Dahlbæk please visit

As an independent primary and lower secondary school we are obliged to publish the inspection report that is sent to the Ministry of Education.

You can read a summary of the inspection reports or see the official reports in Danish below: